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The Nile river was the source of life for all Ancient Eygptians. Without it, the land would be unihabitable.

In inquiry we were tasked to find info about everything related to water in an ancient civilization. We were assigned Egypt. After a little bit of researching we found out that the Nile River provided the people of ancient Egypt with water and crops. They made an effective farming seasons cycle. 



The Nile river is the longest river in the world at 6670km. It flows through the country of Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Burundi and Egypt. All of these country’s are in Africa. The first source is in Burundi, the mouth is in Egypt. The Blue Nile and the White Nile meet to make the Nile river. The word Nile is not ancient Egyptian. The people of ancient Egypt just called it “The River”. The god of “The River” is Hapy. Egyptians transported goods including sandstone (to build pyramids), food, themselves, gold, papyrus, linen, grain and artifacts using boats. 


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